Monday 9 April 2012


Situation 1: At A Restaurant
Aziz and Bakri were having their lunch at a local restaurant. They were having mixed rice, roti canai and ice tea for their lunch. As they ate their food, Aziz complain that their food did not taste good. The waiter saw Aziz did not look satisfied with his food, and then he came to Aziz to ask.
This is how the dialogue between Aziz and the waiter goes:
Waiter: Hello sir, is there anything troubling you? You seem disappointed at the food you’re having.
Aziz: Yes I do. The food that I had which is the mixed rice was not appetizing, it was too oily and taste very salty. The drink on the other hand was tasteless as there was not enough sugar in the drink.
Waiter: Well let me have a taste of the food that you are having.
Aziz: Sure, if it is to clarify on the food being served to us was not appetizing.
Waiter: Indeed it is very salty. I apologize for such a terrible service being given to you.
Aziz: You should check with your chef to make sure he cook and served the food accordingly and taste good. Before this the food at this restaurant taste delicious, what happen?
Waiter: I apologize again sir. Our head chef called in sick today and was replaced by a temporary chef. We will make sure the new chef will cooked his food much better.
Aziz: I see, which is why the taste of the food and its’ presentation was different from before.
Waiter: Shall I compliment you with our dessert instead? It is free of charge, as this is the best I can do for you.
Aziz: Sure that will do, as both of us also looking forward to order a dessert.
Waiter: I will personally make sure our chef cook the food better. I again apologize for the inconvenience cause to you sir.
Aziz: It is ok. As long the next time we come the food will taste much better.
Waiter: Thank you sir and have a great day ahead.
Situation 2: In An English Course
You and your friend are at an English course. The teacher who teaches at the course is teaching grammar. You and your friend who sat at the back of the class begin to talk.  You tell your friend why you dislike grammar.
Here is how the conversation goes:
Jack: This course is boring.
Danny: Why do you say that this course is boring?
Jack: I dislike English grammar very much.
Danny: Why do you say in such a way?
Jack: English grammar is too complicated.
Danny: Why do you think it is too complicated? For me this course is very useful.
Jack: I said it is complicated because there are a lot of rules and procedure to follow just to make a sentence have a meaning and being written correctly. Furthermore, we need to remember a lot of these technical meanings inside English grammar itself, like; past tense, present tense, simple and complex sentences and a whole lot more.
Danny: That is why we are at this workshop to improve our English grammar. You should listen and pay attention to the teacher instead of whining here. I think you and I will benefit a lot from this course if we pay attention and try to understand it.
Jack: I am sorry for acting and saying in such a way that may offend you. I will try to listen to the teacher and understand his lecture on English grammar.
Danny: It is ok. Certain time we do get confused on complex matter such as this English grammar. What we need is patience and determination to do well, try to understand first and if we don’t we should ask, as to get better understanding of the subject concern.
Jack: Ok Danny I will take your advice and try to understand the subject and not to complain too much.
Danny: Come on; let’s put our focus back on the lecture in front.
Jack: Ok, I will pay more attention to the lecture in front to understand more better of the English grammar.
Situation 3: At Your Birthday Party.
You are having your own birthday party organize by your son. You and your friend sat down at the corner of the room trying to relax for a moment. Then you discuss with him why you enjoyed your birthday celebration.
This is how the dialogue goes:
Kevin: I am stuff with all the food, my son organize such a lovely and wonderful birthday party for me.
Zamri: From the smile on your face you are enjoying your birthday party Kevin.
Kevin: Yes I do, I enjoyed it because all of my family is here especially my son, who just came back from oversea. It is wonderful to see everyone is here to enjoy this occasion together with me.
Zamri: I heard that your son just came back from Australia doing his studies there.
Kevin: Yes, how do you know about it?
Zamri: We are close friend are we not? My daughter told me the news, as she was also studying in Australia and at the same campus with your son. Didn’t I mention to you about this before?
Kevin: It seems I forgot about it. How quickly times flies, both of our children had grown up and to throw a birthday party for me like this one, adds up my joy.
Zamri: I want to tell you something, do you know that our children are seeing each other right now?
Kevin: Is it? How long have they seen each other?
Zamri: I heard from my wife that they have been together for two years.
Kevin: This is great news, and makes my birthday much more meaningful. One more thing, I also enjoy my birthday party because they have set up a karaoke system in the house. You know I like to sing, come let us sing a duet together after this.
Zamri: Sure, let us sing our favorite song, from the band scorpion title “wind of change”.
Kevin: You still remember the song that I like.
Zamri: That is what best friend is right? Come let us join the rest of them.
Kevin: Ok.
Situation 4: At Dinner.
You and your friend had just finished watching an action movie entitle “Van Helsing” which is a vampire hunter movie.
Here are their conversations:
Chong: From 1 to 5, how high would you rate this movie Michael?
Michael: I would rate it 4 out of 5 Chong. I consider this movie is good.
Chong: Could you tell me which part of the movie was good?
Michael: I especially liked the part where Hugh Jackman the main actor in the movie change into a werewolf, the effect seems very real. The special effect people who made the movie are really good. How about you Chong?
Chong: My favorite part of the movie was at the beginning of the story where Van Helsing fought with Mr. Jekyl who was a giant. The fighting scene was very intense and it nearly threw me off my chair.
Michael: What do you think about the storyline of the movie Chong?
Chong: The storyline of the movie was quite straightforward as we already can predict the outcome of the story, where Van Helsing was given a mission by the church to find Dracula the vampire and to it. As the story progress a lady was being kidnapped by Dracula and Van Helsing comes to the rescue but the action within the movie was intense and that is what I like about it.
Michael: However I think there was some part within the movie where they put some love storyline between Van Helsing and the lady who was kidnapped by Dracula, it adds a bit of romance and horror within the movie, I think they did a great job about this as to make the movie not to action base but to put some human emotions in the movie.
Chong: The love storyline within this movie does create a soft human side for the character of Van Helsing, as from the books that I read about the legend of Van Helsing he was a heartless person.
Michael: Yes I do agree, as the usual action movies always shows that the hero will also looks macho and does not have a soft spot in them. This movie does bring a fresh perspective in action movie genre.
Chong: Let us stop discussing for a while and enjoy our dinner instead; it seems we got carried away in our movie discussion and the food is getting cold.
Michael: Indeed we are being carried away in discussing about the movie. Let us enjoy our food instead.

Situation 5: The School Holiday Is Coming Soon.
Discuss with your wife what you should do.
This is how the conversation goes:
Mr. Smith: Honey, the school holiday is coming soon. What do you suggest we do? We have a whole week free from work.
Mrs. Smith: I think we should have a picnic with the children. It has been a long time since we go out together as a family.
Mr. Smith: It is a wonderful idea honey. There is one question though, where should we go for our picnic?
Mrs. Smith: I think we should go to Similajau national park, as it is quite near to our area and it is a beautiful place to have a picnic, since it is located right next to the beach. I also heard from a friend of mine that the beach is very beautiful and clean.
Mr. Smith: That is a wonderful place to go, fresh air and a lot of green scenery to escape the busy city life.
Mrs. Smith: We might even have a barbecue at the place as the park also provides a place for us to barbecue.
Mr. Smith: Yes, why not dear. I agree with you. I also come to know that the park also have a jungle trekking activity. Want to have a go at it dear?
Mrs. Smith: Yes I do love to go for a jungle trekking as it has been a long time since we are having a real exercise. I believe the children will also enjoy the lush green scenery of the park and we can even teach them to take care of our beautiful forest.
Mr. Smith: That is a lovely way for us to be together as a happy and healthy family. I will prepare the things for our picnic and jungle trekking activity. I think we don’t have our camping gear dear; I will go out and shop for it after lunch.
Mrs. Smith: Yes dear you better do so. You better check again our equipment as I think we do not have a camping gear at all. I don’t want us to go there without proper preparation.
Mr. Smith: Ok dear, I am so excited and looking forward to go for our family outing next week. 

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